OET preparation in Karachi
Good news for Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and other medical professionals that the OET preparatory classes are available in Karachi at 3 different locations namely Shahrah-e-Faisal, North Nazimabad and Gulshan e Iqbal conducted by Sir SM Imran, If you are a medical professional and looking for OET preparation in Karachi, you should join Sir SM Imran’s institute for OET classes. Contact No. 03218700455.
OET classes in Karachi
In Karachi there are few institutes which are offering OET classes in Karachi. The one of the best OET classes are offered by Sir SM Imran who has been teaching OET for many years. Sir SM Imran’s OET institute is the only institute which is providing quality OET training in Karachi. You want to avail this opportunity then pay a visit and meet sir Imran. He will also give a free OET demo class so that you can have an idea about the OET course structure.

OET Course Details in Karachi
1.5 Month Course Package Fee
2 days a week
2 hours
Number of classes 12
12 to 2
2 to 4
4 to 6
6 to 8
Contact Person
Sir SM Imran
Cell Number 03218700455
Whatsapp Number +923218700455
Email ID sirsmimran@gmail.com
Skype ID sirsmimram@hotmail.com
OET institute in karachi
In Karachi you will hardly find any institute which offers OET classes. Thanks to Sir SM Imran who is preparing for an OET exam to all healthcare professionals including Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Dietetics, Occupational therapy, and many more.
OET Test Center in Karachi
An OET test center is available in Karachi, you can easily book an OET exam in Karachi via OET official website which is occupationalenglishtest.org
OET Test Dates in Karachi
It is important that OET test has to be booked about 1.5 months before the Exam. You will need to be hurry because there might be lots of candidates waiting the exam dates to be booked.
OET Exam in Karachi
OET exam in karachi is conducted by AEO Pakistan which is located at Clifton. AEO will be taking your OET exam. If you join us, we will help you in every step from From book your test seat to preparation.